Norbi Peti aafc93dafb
Start with clean configs for v6 and go from there
- Applied some changes to the defaults
- Changes since v5:
-- Don't write the plugin list (I should work on an offline solution for this, read the plugin.yml from the jars?)
-- Disabled daily restarts for now, not sure if we'll need it
-- Disabled member component (we don't have member permissions yet)
-- Disabled /spawn component
-- Disabled the GeneralEventBroadcasterModule to ensure compatibility
-- Homes aren't changed even though we don't have the groups for it yet
-- Default world changed to "world"
-- Towny taxes are now percentage-based by default
-- Changed minimum distances to 4 times the default
-- Enabled Towny in new worlds by default but disabled ability to claim it (Towny commands will still work)
-- Made Dynmap render in high resolution (well, not in very low resolution anyway, it still uses a low resolution renderer for the flat map and we don't have the others)
- Towny settings are otherwise the same (block size 8 instead of 16 and all upkeep settings)
- Missing plugins since v5 update: ButtonPresents, ButtonWebsiteModule, LimitedCreative, MythicMobs, Plot2Dynmap, PlotSquared, ProtocolLib, Factions
2023-02-04 21:15:57 +01:00

26 lines
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# The IP to listen to. Use if you wish to listen to all interfaces on your server. (All IP addresses)
# This defaults to the IP you have configured your server to listen on, or if you have not configured this.
# Port to listen for new votes on
port: 8192
# Setting this option to true will disable handling of Protocol v1 packets. While the old protocol is not secure, this
# option is currently not recommended as most voting sites only support the old protocol at present. However, if you are
# using NuVotifier's proxy forwarding mechanism, enabling this option will increase your server's security.
disable-v1-protocol: false
# All tokens, labeled by the serviceName of each server list.
# Default token for all server lists, if another isn't supplied.
default: NOPE
# Configuration section for all vote forwarding to NuVotifier
# Sets whether to set up a remote method for fowarding. Supported methods:
# - none - Does not set up a forwarding method.
# - pluginMessaging - Sets up plugin messaging
method: none
channel: nuvotifier:votes