The Rules

Every server has its rules, these are the laws of our land.

  1. Don't be a dick. Any hate speech, racist remarks, or pure disrespect won't be tolerated but telling someone to fuck off is fine.
  2. No NSFW content.
  3. All gore will result in a ban without warning.
  4. Don't post private info/dox. This will result in a ban without warning.
  5. Keep memes in #shitposting.
  6. Keep bot commands in #bot. @Sidekick can hang out in #dnd.
  7. Server issues are dealt with on a case per case basis. The rules are as clear as we can make them, but simply we can't account for every possible situation.
  8. Don't spam. This includes caps or shitty memes like iFunny. You will be kicked or banned depending on the severity.
  9. Don't beg for @Trusted, @Janitor, @Moderator, or @Admin.