• v1.2.0 08a0badd37

    Right on time Stable

    NorbiPeti released this 2022-04-12 01:33:45 +00:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    This update adds support for Techblox. The debug display displays more stuff.

    Added commands and other stuff:

    • SetBuildLimits - it will set the appropriate values for the current editing session
      • It will also disable the volume restriction for building
    • SetTweakLimits "" - changes the stat limits on the currently selected block (only works in block placing mode)
      • It's probably easiest to just do setTweakLimits "" 0 - this will allow setting any stat of the selected block to 1000
    • MaterialBlocks - allows changing the selected blocks' material
      • What is someNumber, you might ask? I'm too lazy to remove that argument so it's required even though it does nothing
    • Added a speedometer to the top right corner in simulation - assuming 20 cm base cube size and thus velocity to be m/s

    Removed commands:

    • Noclip
    • All command variants that used signal channels
  • v1.1.0 ffb7fc7cf9

    NorbiPeti released this 2020-12-31 01:15:50 +00:00 | 16 commits to master since this release

    This is (probably) the last version released in 2020. It adds support for unlocking scaling on blocks that normally can't be scaled (in all directions) and the ability to select block groups with the mod and to add blocks to the same group.

    Added commands:

    • freeScaling: unlocks scaling for the block type in your hand until the game is restarted; reselect the block to apply
    • selectBlocksInGroup: selects the block group you're looking at (highlighted in blueprint mode) to be used with the commands of this mod
    • addBlocksToGroup: adds the blocks you selected via the mod to a group (by recreating them), allowing you to create a blueprint by using middle-click (or select it again with this mod)

    The noclip command is less reliable now due to changes in the game I wasn't able to figure out yet - but it works.

    GCMM is recommended to download this update.

  • v1.0.1 19bf8fbe18

    NorbiPeti released this 2020-11-18 15:08:32 +00:00 | 19 commits to master since this release

    Actually, just a single fix for noclip.

  • v1.0.0 8ed0e91911

    NorbiPeti released this 2020-10-02 20:58:41 +00:00 | 22 commits to master since this release

    First release with support for selecting blocks in different ways and then doing things with them. In command computers as well. And no-clipping through blocks.

    GCMM is recommended to install this mod. See quick start guide.

    See the README file on how to use the mod.

    Note: Always exit noClip before leaving the game save. There seems to be a bug that crashes the game if you don't.
