Removing blocks from groups when they are removed from the game
Attempted to update graphics when changing blocks
Disallowing changing the block group after creation, now that we can copy blocks
Added a way to store block groups as blueprints
Blocks can be added/removed from block groups, although it doesn't work well atm
Added some patches to the test class in an attempt to debug an unrelated issue
Added a command to test placing a block group
Added a SelectedBlueprint property to the Player class
Removed BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS as the original got replaced with an array
Added the correct group for each supported functional block
Removed EntityFactory property from IEntitySerializer as it is provided on deserialization
Removed GameState methods from block APIs
Created a BlockUtility class to get the block the player is looking at
Changed the return type of PlaceBlock, returning the ID of the newly placed block or null